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How iPeakoin unlocks innovative payment methods for web3 businesses
Using crypto payments may seem to be unnecessary for people who are currently working at a Web3. However, crypto payments can also be utilized beyond usual cases. Learn more about how iPeakoin's crypto solution can help web3 businesses to develop.
Pay Your Team
Have you ever thought to pay your employees in crypto? Your team are focusing on developing innovative and attractive Defi products, while salaries may still be paid with fiat currencies. Why don't you pay your employees in crypto? Payment in cryptocurrencies is a perk that helps gain and retain young talent. Studies have shown that over one-third of millennials and half of gen Z would be happy to receive part of their salary in crypto. For businesses, the process of converting crypto received into fiats is remiited. And for employees, they don't have to experience the on-ramp procedures for buying NFT.
Otherwise, digital asset transfers are fast, inexpensive and reliable. Using stablecoins such as USDT or USDC is a simple way to pay in crypto without worrying about the current market conditions.
Community Tipping
To build an active community which could help your team gain more feedback is a challenge for each developers. An interaction tool like adding a tipping function similar to Twitter’s tipping mechanism and systems like Twitch’s would allow passionate users and community members to express their appreciation for your team’s work. You may gain more feedback or even ideas from them, which can help your team to upgrade your product or services.
Take Web3 into the Physical World
Ready to launch branded merchandise and want to attract more buyers? An on-ramp rail will make it incredibly simple for your community to purchase goods from your website using crypto or fiat currency.
And iPeakoin’s Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) makes it easy for you to leverage our comprehensive financial infrastructure by implementing modular components including bank transfers, IBAN accounts, and easy access to payment funds.
Worried About Upcoming Regulations for DeFi?
Stay one step ahead of regulations when you partner with an on- and off-ramp such as iPeakoin. We hold financial and crypto licenses in multiple countries and regions, allowing businesses, and institutions to manage all aspects of finance (modern and traditional) from a single platform, while remaining fully compliant across a variety of jurisdictions.
With 24/7 transaction processing and customer support, iPeakoin saves you from cumbersome and annoying workflows.
Market Expansion
The amount of people that hold and use cryptocurrencies across the world is constantly growing. Adapting a product like iPeakoin's to your platform to allow people to pay using their crypto wallet could widen your target market and lead to an increase in new customer traffic. Early adoption of crypto payments may enable you to get ahead of your competitors and gain the loyalty of this consumer base before others do.
Being able to offer fiat payments for your native token, for instance, is a simple way to gain more stable conversion rates. Studies have shown having at least three different payment options is a sure way of increasing conversion rates by as much as 30%.
More Accessible Onboarding
Payment gateways will be a defining and necessary factor for onboarding society into DeFi and Web3. If you’re looking to make your product as accessible and user-friendly as possible, allowing users to easily on-ramp using their traditional payments is a great way to start.
What to do next
Want to know more about integrating on-ramp into your dApp or you are ready to do so? Don't hesitate to contact iPeakoin for more information.
For more details, or just want to say hi, feel free to send us a note at marketing@ipeakoin.com or https://t.me/ipeakoin (Telegram).
iPeakoin, a fintech company that builds an institution-grade global cash management platform, is committed to bridging the gap between traditional finance and crypto, and to providing a one-stop shop for diversified and globalized cash management with technology.